Display Text & Images

ℹ️ The Text & images-post is one of our most popular posts. Images - and a few words - says a more than a thousand words! ✨

Choose from several layouts with text, images, emojis and icons.👌


You choose your text adjustment in the toolbar in the top of the post. Select to position the text to the left, right or in the middle. Adjust the size with + or -, or by pulling in the ball on the bar that appears if you click on the %-number in the middle.

Bold, italics, colorize and table

In the tool-bar you can also find different editing-possibilities, such as bold text.

You can mark the text with color, either use the color from the theme of the channel, or choose your own.

Here you can also find a table. By right-clicking in the text-field, you can also find a possibility to add a table. 

Emojis in text 😎

The most common emojis can be found under the smile-icon in the tool-bar. If you want more options, click on "See more...", and you will see all the emojis in the right sidebar. You can use the search-field to find emojis you are looking for.

Images, emojis and icons

Select layout with text and images

In order to add one of several images, click "Layout" and select a layout that includes media box(es). 

Images, emojis and icons in media boxes

In the media box(es), you can upload your own photos or choose from photos that have already been uploaded in your archive. You can also choose to insert emojis and icons in the media boxes.

If you choose a layout with several media boxes, you can select and upload several types of media in the same post.

Use images from Unsplash

In PinToMind 3, you can use beautiful images from unsplash.com. Search for what you want to show by entering keywords in English in the search field. Images from unsplash.com can be used freely. 

Resize and select part of the image

It is possible to change the format of the image by moving the mouse to the right of the image and to the bottom of the image. Then the mouse pointer changes and you can adjust the size.

By clicking the buttons in the image, you can e.g. adapt the box to the image, move the image in the box, and select the part of the image you want to be displayed.

Select area or full screen

You can display the image-post in one area of the screen, or in full screen. This is selected for each channel, and you can show the same post in different areas on different channels.

Preview and save

We recommend previewing the post before saving, in order to see which display option fits best for your images.

Add extra information in PinToMind Go

You can add extra information that will only be displayed in the mobile app, PinToMind Go. Click on the phone-icon "📱" and enter text, links for more information and/or attachments.

Click for the channel(s), and the area of the screen that you want the post displayed in, and remember to save.

Poster with more alternatives - use pdf

If you want to freely edit text and image, with different positioning of text and image, font, size of text etc., we recommend creating this in a different program, saving it as a pdf and uploading it to PinToMind with the post-type Album/Image.

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