Several PinToMind accounts
Create new account
If you are already a user of a PinToMind account and want to create one or several more PinToMind accounts, you create each individual account when logged in, by clicking the PinToMind logo (the brain) in the upper left corner, and selecting "+ New account".
Or you can create a new account on our website, here.
Each new account gets a 30-day free trial. The account can be activated at any time during the trial period, and the payment-period will only start after the free trial period anyway.
Same username on several accounts
A user can be registered on several accounts. To be able to be the same user on multiple accounts, you need to use the same email address as username.
When logged in, you can switch between accounts by clicking the PinToMind logo (the brain) in the upper left corner and select account. Or click on your profile at the bottom left, and select an account under "Membership".
Different usernames on multiple accounts
If you use different email addresses on different accounts, you will need to log out (bottom left) and in again, to access the different accounts.
Separate accounts can not communicate with each other
Different PinToMind accounts are completely separate from each other, and you can not publish posts from one regular PinToMind account to another, for example. You must be logged in to the account you want to manage.
For those wanting to publish and/or share content to several PinToMind accounts at the same time, the Network function is a great alternative.
Contact us at if you have questions about Network, or want to get started with a Network!