Schedule posts

ℹ️ All posts can be scheduled; select one of the ready-made schedules, certain times and dates or set times that the post will be displayed. You can also create saved schedules, so that you and your colleagues can reuse the scheduling for other posts.

Decide when the post will be displayed

When you create or edit a post, under "Schedule" you can schedule dates, times and periods that you want the post to be displayed. You can enter one or more periods, defined by date and time. You can also enter certain days and times for the post to be displayed, for instance you can choose to display a post every weekday morning.

Advanced settings

Click on "Advanced" in order to get the possibility to enter more advanced settings for days and times during the week. You can also select that the post shall be displayed at certain times every week, or every other week.

Save the schedule so that it can be used for other posts

We have prepared some saved shortcuts to schedules for for instance "Display only today". 

You can also save your own schedules so that these will also be accessible as shortcuts for you and other users when you later create posts. Posts that use such schedules will also be "tagged" in the list of posts on the start-page.

Display in multiple periods

To display the post during multiple periods, click "+ New Period" and add new dates. You can add new periods repeated times.

After the last period

You can choose what you want to happen to the post after the end of the last period:

  •  Unpublish posts after the last period - The post is unpublished from the channel(s), but remains in the Post list. Can be easily accessed and republished.
  • Archive post after last period - The post is unpublished from the channel(s), and ends up in the Archive.
  • Delete post after last period - The post is unpublished from the channel(s), and ends up in the Trash. Posts placed in the trash can remain there for 15 days before they are deleted for good.

Scheduling across timezones

Scheduling is possible across timezones. The option to select timezone is only visible if there are screens and users in different timezones on the account.

Posts will be displayed at the same time for the time that you have selected for it to be displayed; if you eg. have selected for it to be displayed at 12 o'clock Stockholm-time (UTC+1), the post will be displayed from 11 o'clock in London-time (UTC+0).

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