Display content from SharePoint
So if the page you want to display content from is not in the list, then make sure you follow the page in the SharePoint portal.
The integration with SharePoint is in beta version. Get in touch if you have feedback or questions.
Give access to display of news and calendar from SharePoint
- Select "Library" in the left menu, followed by "Integrations".
- Select "SharePoint".
- Click "Connect" and log in with your SharePoint account. You must give "PinToMind / Infoskjermen" access to retrieve data from your account.*
- If the authentication is successful, you get a list of the resources available on your account. Click on "Add to library" on the resources you want to add, and click on "Use in new post" if you want to create a new post.
- Once you have authenticated, you can also create a new post by selecting the News or Calendar post in the list of new posts. You can then choose a SharePoint calendar or SharePoint news from the library. If the resource is not found in the library, you can go back to the integration in the library and add it.
*Due to settings in the Microsoft system for your organisation, the system administrator may need to approve pairing with new apps. Enter reason in "Enter justification for requesting this app" and select "Request approval". The request will be sent to the system manager in your organisation, and you will receive an email when it has been approved.
Display options
The display of news and calendars from SharePoint follows the structure and choices of a normal Calendar and News post. More information about this can be found on these support pages:
Questions? Contact us at support@pintomind.com