Display time and date

What time is it, and what date is it today? πŸ•’

Check out several options to display both local and global time on your screen!

Display clock in layout area

Several of the layouts have separate areas for the clock. Click βš™οΈ SETTINGS for the channel to select a layout with a clock area. Click on the area to customize. You can choose to display the date and time, or only the time. More info on channel layouts can be found here.

Clock post with resources in the corners

You can also display a larger digital or analog clock in a separate post, in a larger area on the channel.

  • Go to "New post" and select the Clock post.
  • Select the type of clock and adjust the size. Preview to see how the size changes.
  • Select in which area of the screen you want to display the clock.

Insert resources in the corners

In the Clock post, you can display small, optional excerpts from resources in one or several corners. Choose a resource or create a new one for e.g. displaying your phone number, when the sun rises and sets, Wi-Fi code, or display a QR code simply by inserting a link. There are many possibilities! πŸ‘Œ

World clock 🌍

With the World Clock post, you can display the time from several places in the world at the same time. Go to "New post" and select the World Clock post.

Choose locations from the Library, or add new locations.

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