Do you have screens or users in different timezones? PinToMind can be used all over the world, and you can select timezones for both screens and users.
Automatically where you are
When you start an account, we automatically set the timezone for the account. Channels and users inherit this timezone. If everything is within the same timezone, you do not have to change anything in settings.
Change timezone for the account
If you want to change the timezone for the entire account, go to "Account" and select your time zone in the "Overview" tab.
Select timezone for channel
If you are displaying a channel on a screen that is outside the "home-timezone", you can change the timezone for the channel. You select the channel's time one under "⚙️ Options" for the channel. When you have done this, the screen will display the time (and date) for the timezone you have selected.
Scheduling on channels in different timezones
Tidsstyring er mulig på tvers av tidssoner. Hvis du f.eks. velger at et oppslag skal vises kl 12:00-13:00, og publiserer til kanaler med forskjellige tidssoner, vil oppslaget vises kl 12:00-13:00 i dette tidsrommet lokal tid for alle kanalene.
Scheduling is possible across timezones. If you e.g. chooses that a post should be displayed at 09:00-17:00, and publish to several channels with different timezones, the post will be shown at 09:00-17:00 in this time slot local time for all channels.
Timezone for user
By selecting their own timezone in their user profile, the administration pages will be displayed with the user's local time.
Questions? Contact us at support@pintomind.com!